“He would yell at Guru like a little boy and I've never seen a man disrespect somebody else like this before.”
The Guru/Solar situation has officially hit an all-time low and the producer has left a large bulls-eye on his back with more shady practices being brought to the light.
With F*ckSolar up and running and being completely devoted to exposing Solar as a fraudulent character, there are rumors circulating that he may have banked off Guru's home and obtained close to $330K.
According to reports, on March 18, Guru signed off on his home being sold. That comes off real odd if the rapper was allegedly in a coma.
Adding insult to injury, Jazzmatazz trumpeter BROWNMAN has stepped forward to speak on the ill treatment that Solar gave Guru, even before he became sick.
“As the group solidified, I guess he felt more comfortable treating Guru like a punk in front of us and it was so disdaining to watch,” said the trumpet player.
Now with the rapper gone, Brownman finds it hard to disclose such information, but with everything else coming out against Solar, maybe this time was perfect for the producer to finally get what he deserves.
“Guru was essentially a puppet. It's really hard to say this stuff out loud. I'm speaking about a hero of mine. I grew up with Gang Starr and Jazzmatazz. To stand onstage next to him was a thrill.”
This is CRAZY! The world is completely against you now Solar and without Guru to “set the record straight”, there is absolutely no life line that can save the producer from the wrath that continues to come his way.
Here's the documentation.

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