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Friday, November 25, 2011

ON BLAST!!! Gloria From The Basketball Wives Gets PUT ON BLAST . . . Matt Barnes Claims She CHEATED ON HIM . . . With ONE OF HIS BOYS!!!

: Gloria Govan just got put on EXTRA BLAST . . . by former fiance Matt Barnes. You see Gloria thought she was SLICK - by FEEDING rumors of a romance between her ex-fiance Matt Barnes and Eva Longoria to various news sources.
We, of course, knew that it was complete HORSE SH*T - and DEFAMATION of Eva Longoria who is in a committed relationship, so we stayed out of it.
Well now Matt is fighting back - dishing the REAL reason that the two split up. Here is a statement put out yesterday:
In May, Gloria and I decided to separate and in the best interest of her career, I foolishly agreed to portray that we were still together for the upcoming season of her show on VH1.
As recently as August we decided to revisit a joint statement of our separation, but Gloria asked to delay making our separation public for the interest of her show. It is ironic now how Gloria is trying to manipulate the professional relationship between Eva Longoria and myself as the sole reason for our separation, when she knows we split up in May.
The reason I broke my silence and released the separation statement a month ago, was due to her on going affair with a former friend of mine. Again, I wish her nothing but the best and I will continue to keep our children as my first priority.
Story: Media Takeout 

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