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Monday, August 13, 2012

Femi The DriFish & The Out Of Water eXperience- Representing Lovely LIVE @ The Windup Space

FEMI THE DRI FISH & The Out of Water Experience: Representing Lovely fromLucho XXX on Vimeo.

FEMI THE DRI FISH & The Out of Water Experience performing @ The WINDUP SPACE in Baltimore, MD
Friday, July 20, 2012
CONSISTENCY is a word I’ve learned to appreciate during the last decade of watching The Dri Fish’s evolution whether as a solo artist or along with Native Son as The 5th L. Whether playing for capacity crowds while opening for major acts or playing in a high school lunchroom (true story), Femi’s ability to create a deeply intimate connection to the crowd has been his not so secret weapon. Its the sign of a TRUE musician. He is of a rare breed of musician who can put on a consistently high quality show whether on an arena stage or in a dive bar in the middle of nowhere. Going to his shows always makes me reminisce of how intimate punk shows at CBGB’s were. Not really comparing his music to Punk at all (gotta make that clear before I get pimp slapped). But sometimes the place would be so packed you could feel your ribs crushing. Other times there’d barely be a handful of people there. And yet the bands would play as if their lives depended on it.

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