FuturisticBlogger.com — Congratulation… Legendary West coast emcee Yo Yo is now engaged to Highland Park, Michigan Mayor DeAndre Windom. The announcement was made during Yolanda “Yo-Yo” Whitaker 40th Birthday Celebration at Club Rooftop 3100 in Los Angeles. Mayor DeAndre Windom has a tough job on his hands mainly because Highland Park is considered one of the worst neighborhoods near Detroit.

Highland Park recently made national news when the debt-ridden community could no longer afford its monthly electric bill. So elected officials not only turned off 1,000 streetlights. They had them ripped out – bulbs, poles and all. Now nightfall cloaks most neighborhoods in inky darkness. The city is $58 million in debt and has many more people than jobs, plus dozens of burned-out or vacant houses and buildings. With fewer than 12,000 residents, its population has dwindled to half the level from 20 years ago. (Huffington Post)
But there is good news in Highland Park Michigan. Yo Yo is having the School of Hip Hop Concert In Highland Mi. Yo Yo’s School of Hip Hop Free Summer Program brought to you by Mayor DeAndre Windom, City of Highland Park. The program will be held at the Detroit Rescue Mission (Formerly YWCA), 13130 Woodward
Avenue, Highland Park, MI, Friday August 24th 10-2pm. She will be working with about 50 children ages 8-17. There will be free lunch and classes include hip hop dance, vocal training, beat production, and artist development. Please COME OUT!!! Parents are welcome to volunteer as well! (WJLB)

Thank You Yo Yo and Mayor DeAndre Windom for
doing good in the Hood!! We Appreciate Y’all.
doing good in the Hood!! We Appreciate Y’all.
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