Roscoe Dash the Atl song writer, hook killer and rapper claims he wrote for Kanye and Wale and he wants to know, where's his writing credit. Roscoe says he contributed to Kanye's "Cruel Summer" album and Wale's "Lotus Bomb" and he doesn't see his name anywhere under credits. Lotus Bomb hook was sung by Miguel who wrote part of the hook and received credit.
Roscoe took to twitter today to voice his concerns. His tweets started out,
“Everybody go get the G.O.O.D album and listen to #1 then watch @kanyewest interview… & tell me y I’m not on the credits. Can’t do favors for niggas bcuz no matter how humble and generous u r to ppl niggas will take everything u have … Even niggas u look up to. The most talented ppl get the least credit for everything and the crazy part is they put in the MOST work…”Roscoe tweeted.
He continued, “Same shyt with @wale lotus flower bomb I wrote that for him b4 he even signed to Ross & it went #1 ….but nobody would kno that cuz I’m not in the credits. But EVERYTHING must eventually come to the light…. & I’m only speaking on this publicly bcuz there are so many ppl who wanna be apart of the industry but dnt Kno half of the shit that goes on.”
Now, Kanye nor Wale has broke their silence as of yet, but Miguel "Sure Thang" has, as a matter of fact.......
“As far as I know, Wale and another artist that I recently met penned the original ‘Lotus Flower Bomb’ chorus and I came in and added the second half or the end part…I’m not going to explain myself, this is retarded. I don’t know anything about Roscoe Dash. At the end of the day, I know my involvement in the song and as far as I know, Wale and I, and this other guy, wrote the chorus. The other guy was an alternative artist.”
Miguel goes on to say, "“I think anyone that wants to know who wrote the song can check the credits. I don’t know, I don’t really care. If he did write part of it, then he should get credit for it. All I know is that I didn’t write my portion of the song with Wale in the room-he was in Atlanta, I was in New York. If anyone had any involvement prior to me being involved, that’s unbeknownst to me. Definitely if he wrote a part of it, he should get credit for it but as far as I know, the people who deserve credit on the song are listed. Twitter is definitely not the place to handle business per say. If he wanted to get that rectified, he would have his lawyer contact the proper people.”

Just when you thought it would fizzle down Roscoe Dash fires back quick on the draw,

Mjj says, Well DAMN there you have it part of the story, there are many sides to a story and we can only wait for Kanye and Wale's response. Round 1 was interesting and if you had to score based on the first round who would it be?
Stay Tuned Tweets be Watching
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