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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wale Says Media Is Perpetuating Rick Ross‘ Drive-By Shooting

Rick Ross drive by shooting seems to still be the hot topic in hip-hop at the moment, that’s despite the fact it happened a couple of weeks ago and so much has happened since then from new mixtapes, videos and other hip-hop beef.

In a recent interview with 94.5 MMG member Wale expressed his thoughts on the situation involving his boss stating ” “I think the media is perpetuating a lot of things. God forbid, if something happens to anybody, they’re gonna be playing people’s records all day.”
We definitely agree with Wale seems like the media likes to add fuel to the fire but when things get really serious all they can say is rest in peace and plays the deceased artist records day and night.
Wale even went as far as deleting some people on twitter because he did not like their comments involving the shooting
Check out the full interview below:


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